Search for Provost and Executive Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs

The executive search and advisory firm WittKieffer has been retained to support Missouri S&T in the recruitment of the next Provost and Executive Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs. The consultants supporting the search are Jessica Herrington, Lauren Bruce Stets, and Randi Miller. The WittKieffer team is conducting a series of engagement sessions to learn more about Missouri S&T and what you are looking for in your next leader. Your feedback will help inform the creation of the Leadership Profile and will provide valuable insight to the Search Committee.

There is a campus community engagement session scheduled with the search consultants at 10 a.m. Friday, Jan. 31, in Room 112AB Bertlesmeyer Hall.

Our search committee

Questions the WittKieffer Team Will Explore in Each Session

What are the most important opportunities and the greatest challenges your next provost will face. What are the short and long-term opportunities facing Missouri S&T?

What experience, credentials, skills and personal qualities will best serve the provost and will address the challenges and opportunities you have shared?

Why should someone want to be your provost; what is the upside both institutionally and personally? What are some points of pride for your community?

Share Your Feedback and Nominations

If you would like to nominate or suggest someone for the role, please email the WittKieffer team confidentially at MissouriS&

You can also provide your feedback through this survey.

Thank you for providing your feedback to support the search! Your participation and voice are crucial to this process.