Behind the scenes

Friday, October 4, 2024

Dedicated students, distinguished colleagues and dear friends,

Call it determination or insomnia, early in the day on most days, I walk to our well-equipped fitness center on campus, mostly to clear my head and get ready for the day. It is always dark around 4 a.m., or sometimes even 3 a.m., when I leave the house for the 10-minute walk to the gym. Along the byways, walkways and through the buildings, I encounter a dedicated behind-the-scenes army of groundskeepers, landscapers, floor moppers, window washers, restroom and break room cleaners and others who diligently attend to every corner of our vast campus. When I get to the gym, regardless of the hour, I find our meticulous fitness center manager, checking blinking lights and buzzing treadmills, organizing misplaced dumbbells, even helping fold gym towels and reliably attending to rows and rows of exercise equipment.

As I encounter our custodial and landscaping staff, many of whom I know well, I am delighted to witness their dedication, attention to detail and the methodical way in which they attend to their duties each day and every day. For years, I have seen Melanie and Nick attend our flower beds with nuclear Navy procedural precision. I see Matt and Sylvia sweep, dust and mop with such accuracy that I am always afraid to walk on their shiny floors. I routinely learn about how our residential custodial staff not only take care of our student rooms and facilities, but also about the lasting bonds they form with our students. It is not unusual at all for our alumni to come back after graduating years earlier, only to visit their residence halls and catch up with the custodians they remember from their college days.

As I write this message and reflect on National Custodian Day, I am reminded of the many heartwarming connections between our caring custodial staff and our students. I heard how this year, one new student was shaken up and nervous on her first day of classes. Two of our female custodians greeted her, assured her that her feelings were normal and that they have seen many students in the past just as nervous. The simple conversation made the new student more relaxed and ready to tackle her first day. Similarly, Kenny Baker, one of our custodians in Thomas Jefferson Hall, routinely bakes cookies for the students on his floors during finals week. On one of his floors, students developed a tradition of keeping a plastic skeleton and dressing it up in costumes for different holidays. When the student who owned the skeleton moved out, taking the skeleton, Kenny bought two more for the floor so the tradition could continue. It is amazing how just a few minutes, a kind act or a few kind words and a friendly smile can make all the difference for our students.

When it comes to the care and maintenance of our university environment, our custodial staff play a disproportionately large role behind the scenes, from classrooms and labs to student lounges and dining areas. And as we recognize their contributions, we also appreciate their selfless acts of kindness that unite us and help our students learn and grow in a functional, safe, clean and beautiful campus environment.

To all our custodial staff, I say thank you. We see you, appreciate you and are grateful for all that you do for us. 

To our students, I say, recognize the fact that when there are no accidents it is no accident. An army of mostly invisible dedicated staff work diligently to ensure your safety and comfort. So next time you encounter one of our great custodial staff members, simply say thank you. Better yet, let them know how much you appreciate all that they do. After all, it is not about the title or our stations in life. Rather, it is about how we make each other feel about ourselves and about making others feel appreciated.  



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Mohammad Dehghani, PhD
Chancellor | 573-341-4116

206 Parker Hall, 300 West 13th Street, Rolla, MO 65409-0910