Dedicated students, distinguished colleagues and dear friends,
I am pleased to report that Missouri S&T is commencing a national search for a chief diversity officer. As an inclusive, welcoming community, we are committed to a culture that fosters a creative learning environment marked by openness, understanding, and a shared value of all people and perspectives. The chief diversity officer plays a vital role in leading these efforts by being an advisor and leader for change focused on diversity, equity and inclusion at the institutional level.
We are fortunate to have dedicated staff, faculty, students and alumni who have worked to influence positive change around diversity, equity and inclusion at S&T. The chief diversity officer search committee includes many of these influencers.
Throughout the summer, the search committee will seek applications of candidates before formal campus interviews take place in the fall.
I am pleased to announce the following individuals who have agreed to serve on the search committee:
- Kathleen Sheppard, president-elect of Faculty Senate and associate professor of history and political science
- Danny Tang, chief information officer and member of the Chancellor’s Advisory Committee on Diversity and Inclusion
- José L. Corchado-Albelo, graduate student in mining engineering and member of the Chancellor’s Advisory Committee on Hispanic/Latino/a Recruitment and Retention
- James A. Faletti, S&T alumnus, trustee and vice chair of the trustees’ Inclusion, Diversity, Excellence and Attainment (IDEA) Committee
- Lister Florence, S&T alumnus, trustee, member of the IDEA Committee, and a member of the Chancellor’s Advisory Committee for African American Recruitment and Retention
- Jessica E. Gargus, director of student well-being and member of Campus Pride (LGBTQ student equity, inclusion and belonging)
- Carlos H. Giraldo, associate professor of nuclear engineering and radiation science and member of the Chancellor’s Advisory Committee on Diversity and Inclusion
- Janiece Jones, assistant director of admissions for the St. Louis area and diversity recruitment
- Melanie R. Mormile, professor of biological sciences
- Cindi Nelson, chief human resources officer and member of the Chancellor’s Advisory Committee on Diversity and Inclusion
- Nancy Pendleton, S&T alumna, trustee and member of the IDEA Committee
- Anitra C. Rivera, acting chief diversity officer.
Search consultants:
- Andrew M. Crain, lead recruitment consultant at S&T
- Tim McIntosh, senior director of recruitment for the University of Missouri System.
You’re invited to listening sessions to discuss the search and to collect input about the qualities, skills and experiences that should be prioritized in this search.
Faculty and staff open forums:
- 3:30-4:30 p.m. Tuesday, May 17, in the Ozark Room of the Havener Center or via Zoom
- Noon-1 p.m. Wednesday, May 18, in the Ozark Room of the Havener Center or via Zoom
Student and alumni open forums:
- 3:30-4:30 p.m. Tuesday, May 24, via Zoom
- Noon-1 p.m. Wednesday, May 25, via Zoom
For any stakeholders who cannot attend the forums or prefer to submit input through a survey, they may do so online. The online input survey is anonymous and will be open through Tuesday, May 31.
Mohammad Dehghani, PhD
Chancellor | 573-341-4116
206 Parker Hall, 300 West 13th Street, Rolla, MO 65409-0910